This website was created back in the Year 2000 and is dedicated to all Nuseibeh family members regardless of their place of residence.
"Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifistations of strength and resolution."
Khalil Gubran
Greetings to all visitors to the Nuseibeh Family website on the Internet and best wishes.
It is appropriate to observe at the initiation corner at the web, that, it is primarily addressed to family members who, in consequence of the 1948 and 1967 conflicts in Palestine find themselves dispersed in so many countries, as indeed do most other Jerusalem families. The corner therefore, is primarily an effort to bring back together the bonds which dispersal has severed.
But, having said that, we live in a day and age where communication has brought the entire world together in a human bond. What would be relevant and intimate to family members, may, likewise, be interesting to many others, particularly so as the Nuseibeh family happens to be the oldest recognized family in Jerusalem dating back to 1400 - odd years.
And if this were not sufficiently evocative one might add that it is the family which since Caliph Omar accepted the keys of Jerusalem 1400 years ago, has been the Muslim family assigned the custodianship of the keys of the Holy Sepulchre which included in addition to opening and the closing of the door of this most venerable church at dawn and dusk, the adjudication of differences between various Christian denominations over traditional rights within the church.
Some historians date back this honorary assignment to 1191, when Salah-U-Din and Richard the Lion Heart made a compact on the holy Christian places. Whichever is the correct date it is a minimum of 800 years.
Welcome again to our Nuseibeh Family members, and indeed , to all visitors to our Web in the hope of establishing the kind of human relationship which age and information has afforded to us all.
Dr. Hazem Nuseibeh